Labor Pains

Posted: April 2nd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Now I am in the throws of stage freight where I don’t know what to do next. Silly me.  This is very much experimental mode and I feel like I am being roasted and grilled. How do those little kids do it? So young and so savvy. I, on the other hand, don’t know nothing and I’m not proud to it but it is terribly true. Every word I write feels like I have just written the constitution. It’s the Publication factor that weirds me out. And this is what I have wanted to do – be published.

Of course I’ve no sooner opened my computer on return from the computer store that aided me in getting on to this site that I see the first (2nd, 3rd, etc) errors that I have made. But whatever, I am here and now and in the mode of just moving it along. The next posts will sound all too familiar as I try to familiarize myself with this new fangled gadget. Mind you, it was just yesterday that I laughed as I helped a friend try to figure out Email – she had just gotten her first computer and knew nothing. Oh it was so funny explaining to her what was so simple to me. But I ain’t laughing now, closer to crying as I stagger along hoping for the best.

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