
Posted: April 6th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Hey Grrrrrls, R U Bitchin’ Bitches?

Everybody’s doing it baby, being bitchin’ bad & PROUD!

It’s not like the good ole days where bitches became bitches by giving birth.

Nowadays you don’t have  to be a mommy to be a bitch. All you need is a cunt, oh, excuse me, I mean pussy.

So much for dignity. Us female genders know what’s it’s like to have birthed a word that freely denigrates all vagina laden humans – no discrimination here – although, to be honest, there are some members of the opposite sex they deem worthy.

Privilege plays no part in this scenario; the  important element here is to be so low, so gross, that there are no words more offensive than that of being Woman. Of late TV shows are showing up proudly proffering Bitches in their titles – like an unsavory cult. The B word gets mass exposure while pretending to be non-sexist. Producers exhibit no shame in hailing this as anything but timely. And the rest of us go along with it. We can expect no less from a society that loves to freely flaunt their hate out in the public arena while pretending not to notice.

Bitches, cunts, pussies, & motherfuckers honor a long-standing tradition of diminishing what is woman. The guy who fathered my kids turns out to be a  motherfucker. At the time of the actual deed I thought he was a good guy. Later it turns out not true;  that’s because I divorced him and he couldn’t take the rejection. Who among us wants to be rejected, discarded, thrown away. Ask an older woman who’s ex now sports a younger one how she feels. (Although if you ask her a few years down the line and it turns out she is grateful to the asshole who done her wrong, left her with the kids to care for and couldn’t care less.) Guys being guys though are just too sensitive to overcome all that. It’s us grrrrls who know, from life’s experiences, that it’s the only way to survive.







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