Always More to Say

Posted: April 3rd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

Two down and a gaxillion to go – including pix. But not today. Today we stay with the simple and repeat, repeat, repeat. To all you readers out there that might not be reason to stay with me, but I’m trusting I will only gain by doing this process of doing until I got it write. I’m thinking of being adventurous and slip in a photo. They break up the page but I fear if I try that now I may end up blowing up the screen. Who knows what could happen with this technology.  the next thing you know people will be flying in the sky.

My point is I’m doing it. Putting these words out there and not being embarrassed by the fact that this is not at all interesting. Rather it is bleak. The good part is that I have only one direction to move to from here, and that is UP.

THE point is that I have not yet mentioned the West or Mae. Just rattling along with my nonsense as I attempt to get into the profound mode. You know, where I get all serious and try to make points that make sense using the resources at hand, namely Mae & West. I’m hoping Mae will be there when I need her to help me provide the insights I admire about her. Witty & sexy, and all those other qualities we all love about the lady. I wonder if she’s up there in heaven thinking WTF is that filis doing to me – giving me a bad name and making me look bad.

This would be a good place to put a picture of something eye catching. What could that be? This is where my creativity needs to come in. I’m hoping it hasn’t died on the way home from the computer store. What with all my nervousness and confusion about what buttons to push and wanting so to please it makes me want to puke.

But I digress when I want to address. There’s Way Way also in the wings waiting to show her stuff, not just her tits – laden as they are with stars and enthusiasm. Tits, not ass is what needs reporting. Not sexy tits, but the ones that give comfort and provide the sign of woman. Big or small we all come with a set right out front. We come with pussies too, and I am proud to call myself a member of the pussy delegation. Nothing to be ashamed of there, though they do get bad mouthed. These are the important issues of the day that require reporting.


2 Comments on “Always More to Say”

  1. 1 Sophie said at 3:43 am on April 3rd, 2012:

    Je suis tres impressionee par ton travail!


    Sophie Randone

  2. 2 womanlywest said at 10:16 pm on April 3rd, 2012:

    Thanx 4 your kind response. At least I’m hoping it’s kind since I can’t read it but know you have only good intentions. This is true, no?
    Please write as you see fit and I will respond back.

    From Way Way West and the rest of the girls who swim in the Pacific.

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