Sex & the Party

Posted: April 11th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Let’s face it grrrrrrrrllllz, it’s all about sex, that’s S,  E,  X, so get w/the program, make it work for you.The guys do. Or haven’t you noticed. You’ve been to a male workplace and observed the language, the comfort level the men have with the seductive moves of pole dancers having observed these woman close up, with the ability to carefully scrutinize said dancers asses in real close-up and slow motion, naked but for a g-string, asses on view just to entertain the customers who are sitting shit-faced drunk but remain alert enough not to miss the beauty and splendor performing just for them.


Myself, I like having control at least half of the time, the other half of the time I like having the freedom to throw control to the winds and fly by the seat of my pants.

This is what makes me the well rounded person I like to hug. 


A friend celebrating her 35th b-day spent it at a ‘Gentleman’s club’ where she moved her seductive dancer’s body in sheer joy while celebrating her sexuality; the dance was for her – her audience was inconsequential. It was a coming of age that works especially well when a woman becomes of a ‘certain age’.


Right here I want to interject (when I can figure out how to do it) a video of an 86 year old woman on the parallel bars. Her mat work includes cartwheels, rolling head stands, and elegance. She is German and looks it. Stalwart and handsome she cuts an impressive figure. I read some of the comments on Youtube responding to her incredible feat by asking what pills she took that got her where she is. What a tough pill to follow – swallowing the concept life begins at pill. Johanna Quaas is the name of the glorious gymnast if you want to find her and not wait for me – who knows when that will be – though I truly am trying (but nowhere as much as that amazing force, Johanna; she clearly gets the meaning of constant & diligent).


If your looking for meanings in any of this, don’t look here. I say if you want meanings go to the dictionary, that’s all they have and look where it’s got us. Meanings are only as good as the day is long, whatever that means. Life has meaning, it has value too, lots of it. Value feels good, whether you get it or give it. And it’s easy to give to yourself. The good values. Take it all in and rub it all over, bathe in it, breathe it in, swallow it whole. Take daily 3 times a day, sleep on it and carry a big stick (you might have to defend them).

One Comment on “Sex & the Party”

  1. 1 Sophie said at 5:27 pm on April 17th, 2012:

    Johanna Quaas is something else!

    Pole dancing on parallel bar with class and distinction!

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