Posted: April 7th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Hello, my name is Polly Tishin, I am running for office as the first proud member of  The Sex Party. We have a titty focused agenda and  you must possess a vagina to hold any position. Our motto is – EQUALITY !  For that we ask for nothing but will take half.

As members of this newly formed party you get to party hearty, a blessing in this time of desperate depression and bleak days. To lighten the load we will dwell on the ‘Good Stuff’. Bring on the dancing boys & let the good times roll. Why the fuck not?

Time to stand ALONG-SIDE of him, instead of behind; we little women out there. Tell it like it is and shout it from the rooftop. And here’s why: It’s truth. That’s what I’m talking about. TRUTH, as seen through the eyes of the holy hole. The whole hole;  the place of birth;  the place of CREATION. And the scene is Now; it is happening right before our very eyes.

THERE IS NO HOPE. Do not believe in hope. Hope sucks. It has no future. Hope is for losers. Ladies & Gentlewomen I say this because hope is a deceiver, making us believe in false gods. Hope is not now, it’s later, and you know how often that comes.

Join the party!

Bring a friend, bring a bottle.

Bring a smile, appreciation, empathy, a reason for being, a love of all kind, and dancing shoes.


Your Pubic Servant 2 B,

Polly Tishin

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